by Birthe | Apr 25, 2024 | Uncategorized
Higher mind is a state of consciousness that is free from duality (contrast). Trying to describe it with words is already creating limitation and duality, as words in essence create contrast by defining ‘what is’ and ‘what is not’. In other words, language is wholly inadequate when trying to explain this concept which can only be truly understood through experience. Hence I humbly apologise beforehand that if you are trying to understand what is being explained here from the lower mind (through the process of reasoning and analysis) you will find that everything written falls terribly short in truly getting to the bottom of things. It is like trying to explain spirituality with science. We try as best we can but somehow always remain out of reach. It is believed that the dominant force in this universe of forms is love and that it plays a role in vibrationally attracting our reality to us. But who can scientifically prove this? There comes a point where reason gives way to intuition and we perceive and understand things beyond analysis. This blog is written based on the downloads, channellings, or observations – whatever name you’d like to give this way of perceiving – gleaned whilst functioning from the higher mind. And even these greater wisdoms are not always understood to their highest potential, as it is still being translated by the person receiving them into their own mental interpretations. As a person learns and grows – through the challenges in life which help them evolve – their understanding of the wisdoms being imparted also expands. Hence the only way you will make any sense of these blog posts is by letting go of reason and allow intuitive impressions to form.
Are we in two minds?
The words ‘higher’ and ‘lower’ are used to describe different ways of perceiving, helpful to our dualistic mind to differentiate between two states of processing information – in duality, or free from duality in synthesis – but in actual fact the mind is a continuum that stretches from self-consciousness all the way to universal consciousness.
Sometimes people refer to the higher mind also as the intuitive faculty. This way of perceiving information you could say has reached our understanding in a manner that functions beyond reasoning, or the process of analysis. When we analyse something we function from the lower mind, which is rooted in self-consciousness and duality. This means that our thinking is subject to contrast and resistance. You know that feeling that you just had a really positive thought and then just moments later your mind introduces doubt or worry? This is because self-consciousness is subject to duality. The beauty of being able to function from a higher mind is the state of flow, enabling us to create more rapid transformation and progress free from resistance and beyond conditioning.
by Birthe | May 17, 2024 | Uncategorized
No gain without pain? Pain comes in all shapes and sizes, from physical to psychological. When functioning from the lower mind inner conflict is integral within its operation, as it is premised on contrast. As soon as the mind has defined what it likes and dislikes, or sets its sights on something – a desire or intention to be made manifest – the dualistic lower mind attracts that which we want. But being rooted in duality, within that process it also seeks to create order by highlighting incompatible states of mind that are incoherent with the desired outcome. This means that as we move forward in a certain direction there are counter-forces at play that are clamouring to be resolved. Have you ever noticed that the greater the transformation you seek, the greater the challenges that start to surface in your life? This is simply the reconciling of different states of consciousness, helping us resolve that which is out of alignment and gain the experiences we need to come into alignment. This is beneficial as the resistance we experience is actually there to help us progress. It is simply pointing out to us that which is out of alignment with what we seek to attract. Hence, ironically pain is an opportunity for gain. But what if we could gain without pain? Only when functioning from the higher mind do we get the opportunity to create beyond duality, to fully progress on all levels of our existence completely free from resistance. This means that from a. level of mind or consciousness, we can bank real advancement simply by operating from the higher mind. What we will find is that so-called ‘issues’ that previously created so much upset or disturbance within our system can be moved forward a great deal simply by resolving them from a higher mind. Suddenly that which caused an absolute road block before, where simply we could not get past a certain problem, now suddenly no longer has any hold over us. Because the beauty of consciousness is that by changing thought content our whole reality shifts. Only when working towards a state of coherence by resolving our challenges in alignment with the greater intelligence of life does the problem resolve.
by Birthe | May 16, 2024 | Uncategorized
Transmitting coherence. There are many reasons why it benefits us to find ways of releasing, or better said, upgrade incoherence within our system. We never truly ‘release’ consciousness. We simply mutate by altering the meaning assigned to the energy contained within our programme. It may sound complicated to repair our system but in actual fact it is extremely straightforward. There are no hard and fast rules on how to go about doing this. When we consider that all existence is made up of consciousness and that nothing is exempt from it, we start to understand that all life is programmed. Programmes can be evolved and improved, with bug fixes launched where the system experiences suboptimal performance. Hence when we desire one thing yet have conflicting states of consciousness within our programme (the mind), we transmit an incoherent signal. Add to this all the inconsistent thoughts we have had in regards to the matter in question, and you can see how much we stand in the way, energetically, of what it is that we want. When seeking to materialise a new reality for our lives we must be aware of all the thought we have created around this topic. Because only when all thought is aligned do we transmit a coherent signal that is able to attract its matching reality. What do we do when we have for example experienced a lot of contradicting thoughts, such as ‘I want this, but I am worried that….’.? Well, we simply go back to this consciousness and reprogram it. Upgrade it to something more uplifting in alignment with our new intention. It’s the same as when we have a memory pop up about something that we have experienced. Our mind is like a large library of consciousness with everything neatly filed away and we can interact with anything stored in it. Hence if we want to upgrade a thought we simply go back to it and replace it with a new one. Like recollecting a memory, return to it and rewrite it. Because memory is simply stored consciousness within our system, that can be upgraded at any time.
by Birthe | May 14, 2024 | Uncategorized
Resistance is what blocks us from the greatest opportunity. If we could just get rid of that disturbance within our minds we would be rolling with life. But we’ve gotta do battle, mostly with ourselves, in order to progress. Inner resistance is the greatest source of disruption to our growth. We, who hold ourselves back. The nature of duality means that we progress based on contrasting experiences and these often cause inner struggle and suffering, slowing us down in what we are truly capable of. There is nevertheless a way we can develop whereby we avoid the whole process of resistance. This is by creating change within the greater intelligence of life. Resistance takes place due to two factors, lack of coherence within one’s own system and lack of coherence with the greater system of which we are part, which creates double whammy breaks on our progress. However when we create within the greater intelligence of life and we align our intention with the greater wisdom imparted by this higher consciousness, we are co-creating with the intention of life itself. Whilst functioning within the higher mind the change we introduce is free from conflict, and on a level of mind upgrades are instantly installed without having to go through all the contrasting experiences that life would otherwise present us with. This allows us to bank instant progress in the flow of life and bypass conditioning and resistance. No more ‘one step forward, two steps back’. It is simply one step forward, followed by another step forward. From the point of view of consciousness we avoid battling through incoherence which causes conditioning and resistance. We are simply moving forward, instantaneously, without doubt, worry, apathy or other self-sabotaging behaviours standing in the way of our personal development. In summary, when we create progress from the higher mind we are letting our reality materialise in the flow of life.
by Birthe | May 11, 2024 | Uncategorized
To give is to be given to (receive). You know when someone goes out of their way to do something nice for you or to buy you a special gift, you usually feel like you want to do something nice back, right? The person is not asking you for a favour in return and yet you have this urge to return the kindness. Putting it very simply, the act of giving is energetically creating a return pull, which is the impulse behind the urge to return the favour. You notice how many times the word ‘return’ returns in these sentences? Not a coincidence. When we give, there is an energetic boomerang effect. This is important to bear in mind when considering developing universal consciousness. Just sitting there meditating is not enough. We have to actively engage in the intention of giving in order to receive the expansions of consciousness we wish to obtain. Hence why it is widely understood that meditations which give something back (like planetary meditations or spreading good energy to other living beings) provide greater ‘spiritual reward’. The good that we share to others in these meditations comes back to us and enhances the beneficial impact on our own system. Service (doing good) is a form of giving. It is the selfless expression of the self, however contradictory that may sound. In service the self practises to be selfless. Universal consciousness is selfless as it is the intelligence that guides the whole in all its parts. It promotes evolution and progress for all of life. We are just microscopic specks of dust within that much larger chain of events playing out within the river of life. That river is heading somewhere, but whilst our consciousness is for the most part still located at the level of self-consciousness and not directed towards progressing the greater good of life, our engagement with and understanding of this greater river is limited. And yet when the individual consciousness is lifted to make a concerted effort to progress life as a whole, for example by doing daily planetary visualisation for the positive evolution of life, we are able to obtain greater expansion. The giving in this creative exercise involves the positive shaping of consciousness for the benefit of life on earth. This positivity is mirrored within our own system supporting a positive state of mind and wellbeing. And not only that, we are training the consciousness of self into selfless expansion towards the universal mind, making it easier for us to develop the higher mind and benefit from the intuitive insights this brings.
by Birthe | May 10, 2024 | Uncategorized
Peace means to be free from conflict. Operating within the intelligence of life enables the mind to lift itself beyond duality, contrast, conflict or resistance. To a state of flow. Therefore for us to be at peace we need to learn to exist within the intelligence of life. It requires us to function from a selfless perspective as the higher mind is unencumbered the consciousness of self. If we take the analogy of the leaf on the tree, we the individual minds of the human collective, are the leaves on the tree, existing within our own consciousness yet also within the consciousness of the life of the tree itself. Like cells within a body we are part of a greater whole. Therefore our consciousness is indivisible from that of the consciousness of life itself. One life. And yet we experience life from a state of separateness, as our dualistic mind creates the illusion of division. When in the higher mind all illusion of duality is absent. There is simply flow of consciousness, guiding us to evolve within its intelligence, in coherence with its own evolution. When functioning within its wisdom we are learning to think as life itself, responsible for the evolution of the whole, in all its parts. The more we look after life, the more we are able to think as life and the greater the expansion of mind. The more good we do for this greater existence in all its components the more the good comes back to us and the easier it is to think from a higher mind. Our mind is being lifted to the level of life where it is making a difference. Hence why religious and spiritual practices usually promote service as it advances spiritual evolution. The planetary visualisation found here is a form of service – on the level of consciousness – as it is designed to help lift life. It is very brief yet impactful. By practising this on a daily basis over time the mind starts to acclimatise to a more wholistic view of life. It is of immense value to those who seek to lift the mind beyond the consciousness of self as it trains us to create thought for the greater good, and as such is building the foundations for the selfless universal mind.
by Birthe | May 9, 2024 | Uncategorized
When we learn to function within the greater intelligence of life, we also find that with greater wisdom comes greater responsibility. What do we mean by this? As our consciousness expands there are unresolved issues within the consciousness of self that need to be worked out, as the higher energies interacting with our system are demanding instant upgrades. It is like joining a more advanced class in school. Suddenly you are expected to be able to perform at a much higher standard whilst there are still potential gaps within your knowledge, and what we previously believed to be true must now perceived from a more developed perspective. From a level of consciousness we can see these as lower energies that need to be raised up, incoherence within our system that is not in alignment with the greater intelligence that we are now rubbing shoulders with. And usually this is in the form of leaving behind our limiting beliefs. This can be challenging as the world of forms is premised on duality where contrast is the name of the game and yet we are learning to think without creating conflict, contrast, limitations etc. When we enter the higher mind there is no contrast. Only flow. Hence whilst we are subject to increased levels of inner conflict as our mind experiences system upgrades it is useful to enter this higher state of consciousness where the mind is free from suffering (contrast) and can review and resolve – from a level of mind – worldly challenges within this greater intelligence. If we try to address this intensified state of inner struggle from the lower, dualistic mind we inevitably create more contrast as this is the way the lower mind functions. Whereas if we seek to resolve these challenges within the intelligence of life we avoid adding to further suffering and can resolve them peacefully. From a state of flow we are able to see the lessons we are learning within the challenges faced, whilst the infinite wisdom also offers up ideas of how to neutralise the pain or suffering experienced in those situations. And this is not all that we are here to learn, to alleviate these inner tensions. As our understanding grows we realise our own role within the intelligence of life itself and that in order to create greater harmony within our own existence we need to learn to align our own consciousness with that of life itself, and be co-creators within the same river that is driving the evolution of all of life. We are ultimately learning to cohere with life itself.
by Birthe | May 7, 2024 | Uncategorized
Upgrade your consciousness to move forward
Why do we tend to fall into the same habits and behaviours, and why can progress be rather slow when we decide to introduce change into our lives? Whilst we desire rapid advancement it can be like ‘one step, forward two steps back’ with many doubts, self-sabotage, stress or other forms of resistance along the way. Why do we seem to be standing in the way of ourselves when we want to move forward? In psychology this is often referred to as ‘conditioning’, in that our past conditions our future and that we need to rewire our mind in order embed new habits and behaviours. Let us go into this from a level of consciousness because once we understand it from this angle we can also learn to break the mould that prevents us from moving forward. And breaking the mould is a good analogy here. Because from a level of consciousness all thoughts we have had in the past stay with us, and form the programme of our mind. This means that this totality of ‘thought forms’ – the mould – is the self-consciousness from which we create our lives. All our ‘new’ states of mind, or thoughts, are created within the same programme that also contains all these prior states of mind, and this then conditions our thinking. Our mind is still swimming within the same pool of all that went before, and unfortunately we cannot just hop into a new pool when we want to alter ourselves. If only this were possible life would be so much easier. Our self-preservation instinct relies on this conditioning of mind, because if as a child we burn our fingers in the fire, we learn that fire is dangerous and not to repeat the same action. Next time we approach fire the mind warns us to be careful. But this same functioning of mind, which relies on duality (contrast) to reason what the best way forward is for self-preservation or self development, can also work to our detriment. Because these prior states of consciousness are still part of the same programme of mind (that same old pool of consciousness that makes up the self) and as such can also present resistance to our progress. Here is a case in point. Imagine you want to create wealth in your life setting up your own business, but you have personally experienced previous periods of financial difficulty, your parents always told you to ‘just get a job and that running your own business in risky and not financially secure’. And you have recently witnessed a friend whose business failed, went into bankruptcy and ended up losing his house. In addition to this you are also aware of many other entrepreneurial startups that have failed, maybe from stuff you’ve read in the news or heard somewhere. There is so much influencing your consciousness, which the mind then uses to build a case ‘for’ or ‘against’ progress. As the consciousness of self is premised on self-preservation, the mind acts out of caution to protect the self and uses negative examples to form a pattern in your mind which points out the potential dangers in our decision-making. This causes you to conclude that achieving financial success with a startup is tough. Meanwhile you keep pressing on with your business but all these thoughts of doubt and worry start to crop up that are then causing you to lack belief in yourself. First you start to build greater caution into your plans, compromising your initial ideas and playing it safe. And it is like you’re wading through all the lack of belief that something could possibly be successful, in order for you to be successful. And from a level of consciousness that is exactly what is occurring. Every negative thought that has been processed by the mind stands in the way of our success, and will resurface when we decide to reach that new ambition. All that is happening is that our mind is simply pointing out anything within its programme that is incoherent with our desired outcome for success. Hence these disruptive negative thoughts re-emerge to be brought into alignment with our new vision for success. This is often experienced as disturbances to our progress and these corrupting thoughts keep popping into our mind to tell us ‘remember that time you did something similar and it went all wrong, therefore what are the chances of you succeeding this time?’. More self-doubt and resistance creep in and before you know it you have talked yourself out of that new business idea, and give up before you’ve even started, deciding to listen to your parents instead and get that safe job, where you have secure income. It is this total state of consciousness that is conditioning our progress and if there is much incoherence within our prior states of mind to contradict our envisioned outcome, then resistance can be pretty full on. For attracting more abundance into our life we first need to address all the poverty consciousness and reprogram it to wealth. Going back to the earlier analogy, we have to create a new mould within the programme of our mind. We will find that as soon as we set ourselves a financial target, the resistance starts to creep in, which is simply the programme asking to be upgraded. Therefore rather than letting ourselves be overwhelmed by all the seemingly negative thoughts trying to corrupt our success, they are actually simply requests for upgrades, like bug fixes in a computer programme. The mind is just saying ‘I want to radiate wealth so that I can attract wealth but I have all these incoherent states of mind that are currently preventing this alignment. Here is a thought that needs reprogramming’. The easiest way to tackle these disturbing thoughts is to take the opportunity to lift them up to a state of mind that signifies, in this case, ‘wealth’. The most simple way to do this is to overwrite that old thought with a new positive thought. We are simply reprogramming the consciousness so that it is now in alignment with the outcome we seek to accomplish. If you have done this successfully you will notice that the same disruptive thought no longer resurfaces. If it does come back, and often it does, for example when dealing with a long-held belief, then simply repeat the reprogramming. People find this sometimes a little peculiar as they think that we cannot change what actually happened but from a level of consciousness you can change anything, because consciousness is simply energy with meaning. Change the energy to a new meaning to radiate that which we wish to attract. After all, we are what we think.
by Birthe | Apr 29, 2024 | Uncategorized
Giving back to life that has given life to us.
Will we ever fully understand the greater picture? Highly unlikely. What is behind this life and what is creating the force that propels us forward in this eternal evolutionary cycle of movement. Why is there something within us that always drives us to want to do better and strive for more? What is the intelligence that informs this entire universe, down to life at microscopic scale? From a lower mind functioning in duality (contrast), bound by limitation of ‘what is’ and ‘what is not’ the full picture always remains illusive. But when aligning our mind to the intelligence of life itself we come a little bit closer to greater understanding in incremental mind expansions, always being able to see and understand a little bit more than before. If we solely rely on our experiences playing out in duality with the mind functioning and bettering itself by overcoming its own conditioning and tied-in resistance, the evolution of mind is slow as we are faced with an uphill struggle. If we function more consistently from the higher mind, we still encounter lessons in life (unfortunately we are never exempt from those) but the progress we make on other levels is that much greater, due to the powerful current that supports our development. When operating within the greater intelligence of life we are able to align our own intentions – the intentions of the self (at the level of self consciousness) – with the greater consciousness of life itself enabling us to be in the flow. This allows us to swim along in the vast current of the intelligence evolving all life, which demands that we “projectile” forward within our development. From a lower mind perspective – the consciousness of self – this is both beneficial and at the same time challenging. It is good because suddenly we are able to see a very powerful and purposeful way forward and we start to move in that direction. However as we align our little individual minds to this greater consciousness there are also a few things that need to be straightened out for us to be able to keep moving forward within this much more powerful and cohesive current. This is where the lessons come in (always sucking us back into the struggles of duality). The reason for this is that our mind is subject to incoherent consciousness based on our life experiences that are preventing our progress in the river of life, such as limiting thoughts or beliefs that are not fully in alignment with where we are now heading. This creates a demand within our self-consciousness to upgrade our thinking, on the one hand pulling us forward within a greater vision and on the other demanding that these past limitations are being resolved. Operating within this greater intelligence is where the flow of life is to be found. It requires us to cultivate a self-less mind, which seems completely impossible. Because how can the self be without the self? And this is the source of eternal inner conflict because however hard we try to remain within the greater consciousness of life we are still tied to self. Hence cultivating a higher mind is not about getting rid of the lower mind but rather encouraging it to function in greater coherence with the greater intelligence of life, which requires us to learn to think as life itself. If you had created life here on earth what would you want to happen? How would you want to see the natural resources and the many life forms on this planet being managed? And when you think as the caretaker of this planet, it requires you to consider the positive evolution of all its parts, all living forms, cultivating a mindset of the ‘greater good’. And so the key in accessing the higher mind lies in our intention. When it is our intention to give back to life that has given life to us the selfless part of our consciousness is activated and the higher mind unfolds.