by Birthe | May 17, 2024 | Uncategorized
No gain without pain? Pain comes in all shapes and sizes, from physical to psychological. When functioning from the lower mind inner conflict is integral within its operation, as it is premised on contrast. As soon as the mind has defined what it likes and dislikes, or sets its sights on something – a desire or intention to be made manifest – the dualistic lower mind attracts that which we want. But being rooted in duality, within that process it also seeks to create order by highlighting incompatible states of mind that are incoherent with the desired outcome. This means that as we move forward in a certain direction there are counter-forces at play that are clamouring to be resolved. Have you ever noticed that the greater the transformation you seek, the greater the challenges that start to surface in your life? This is simply the reconciling of different states of consciousness, helping us resolve that which is out of alignment and gain the experiences we need to come into alignment. This is beneficial as the resistance we experience is actually there to help us progress. It is simply pointing out to us that which is out of alignment with what we seek to attract. Hence, ironically pain is an opportunity for gain. But what if we could gain without pain? Only when functioning from the higher mind do we get the opportunity to create beyond duality, to fully progress on all levels of our existence completely free from resistance. This means that from a. level of mind or consciousness, we can bank real advancement simply by operating from the higher mind. What we will find is that so-called ‘issues’ that previously created so much upset or disturbance within our system can be moved forward a great deal simply by resolving them from a higher mind. Suddenly that which caused an absolute road block before, where simply we could not get past a certain problem, now suddenly no longer has any hold over us. Because the beauty of consciousness is that by changing thought content our whole reality shifts. Only when working towards a state of coherence by resolving our challenges in alignment with the greater intelligence of life does the problem resolve.
by Birthe | May 16, 2024 | Uncategorized
Transmitting coherence. There are many reasons why it benefits us to find ways of releasing, or better said, upgrade incoherence within our system. We never truly ‘release’ consciousness. We simply mutate by altering the meaning assigned to the energy contained within our programme. It may sound complicated to repair our system but in actual fact it is extremely straightforward. There are no hard and fast rules on how to go about doing this. When we consider that all existence is made up of consciousness and that nothing is exempt from it, we start to understand that all life is programmed. Programmes can be evolved and improved, with bug fixes launched where the system experiences suboptimal performance. Hence when we desire one thing yet have conflicting states of consciousness within our programme (the mind), we transmit an incoherent signal. Add to this all the inconsistent thoughts we have had in regards to the matter in question, and you can see how much we stand in the way, energetically, of what it is that we want. When seeking to materialise a new reality for our lives we must be aware of all the thought we have created around this topic. Because only when all thought is aligned do we transmit a coherent signal that is able to attract its matching reality. What do we do when we have for example experienced a lot of contradicting thoughts, such as ‘I want this, but I am worried that….’.? Well, we simply go back to this consciousness and reprogram it. Upgrade it to something more uplifting in alignment with our new intention. It’s the same as when we have a memory pop up about something that we have experienced. Our mind is like a large library of consciousness with everything neatly filed away and we can interact with anything stored in it. Hence if we want to upgrade a thought we simply go back to it and replace it with a new one. Like recollecting a memory, return to it and rewrite it. Because memory is simply stored consciousness within our system, that can be upgraded at any time.
by Birthe | May 14, 2024 | Uncategorized
Resistance is what blocks us from the greatest opportunity. If we could just get rid of that disturbance within our minds we would be rolling with life. But we’ve gotta do battle, mostly with ourselves, in order to progress. Inner resistance is the greatest source of disruption to our growth. We, who hold ourselves back. The nature of duality means that we progress based on contrasting experiences and these often cause inner struggle and suffering, slowing us down in what we are truly capable of. There is nevertheless a way we can develop whereby we avoid the whole process of resistance. This is by creating change within the greater intelligence of life. Resistance takes place due to two factors, lack of coherence within one’s own system and lack of coherence with the greater system of which we are part, which creates double whammy breaks on our progress. However when we create within the greater intelligence of life and we align our intention with the greater wisdom imparted by this higher consciousness, we are co-creating with the intention of life itself. Whilst functioning within the higher mind the change we introduce is free from conflict, and on a level of mind upgrades are instantly installed without having to go through all the contrasting experiences that life would otherwise present us with. This allows us to bank instant progress in the flow of life and bypass conditioning and resistance. No more ‘one step forward, two steps back’. It is simply one step forward, followed by another step forward. From the point of view of consciousness we avoid battling through incoherence which causes conditioning and resistance. We are simply moving forward, instantaneously, without doubt, worry, apathy or other self-sabotaging behaviours standing in the way of our personal development. In summary, when we create progress from the higher mind we are letting our reality materialise in the flow of life.
by Birthe | May 11, 2024 | Uncategorized
To give is to be given to (receive). You know when someone goes out of their way to do something nice for you or to buy you a special gift, you usually feel like you want to do something nice back, right? The person is not asking you for a favour in return and yet you have this urge to return the kindness. Putting it very simply, the act of giving is energetically creating a return pull, which is the impulse behind the urge to return the favour. You notice how many times the word ‘return’ returns in these sentences? Not a coincidence. When we give, there is an energetic boomerang effect. This is important to bear in mind when considering developing universal consciousness. Just sitting there meditating is not enough. We have to actively engage in the intention of giving in order to receive the expansions of consciousness we wish to obtain. Hence why it is widely understood that meditations which give something back (like planetary meditations or spreading good energy to other living beings) provide greater ‘spiritual reward’. The good that we share to others in these meditations comes back to us and enhances the beneficial impact on our own system. Service (doing good) is a form of giving. It is the selfless expression of the self, however contradictory that may sound. In service the self practises to be selfless. Universal consciousness is selfless as it is the intelligence that guides the whole in all its parts. It promotes evolution and progress for all of life. We are just microscopic specks of dust within that much larger chain of events playing out within the river of life. That river is heading somewhere, but whilst our consciousness is for the most part still located at the level of self-consciousness and not directed towards progressing the greater good of life, our engagement with and understanding of this greater river is limited. And yet when the individual consciousness is lifted to make a concerted effort to progress life as a whole, for example by doing daily planetary visualisation for the positive evolution of life, we are able to obtain greater expansion. The giving in this creative exercise involves the positive shaping of consciousness for the benefit of life on earth. This positivity is mirrored within our own system supporting a positive state of mind and wellbeing. And not only that, we are training the consciousness of self into selfless expansion towards the universal mind, making it easier for us to develop the higher mind and benefit from the intuitive insights this brings.